Did you ever have a month where you came up a little short on cash? Could you use some extra money at the end of the month? During these difficult economic times, this has happened to a lot of people. You are not alone in this situation. How do you react when you need to pay the car payment or electric bill and have no money? Do you panic under these conditions? This situation, for a lot of people, is like looking down the barrel of a load gun.
There are three ways to handle no money with bills left at the end of the month. 1) You can panic, freeze up and do nothing. Inaction always leads to more problems and makes things worse. 2) There's the wrong way of handling these financial hardships. 3) Then there's the right way of dealing with these situations. We'll discuss both the right and wrong ways to come up with extra money.
When you are in a bind and need extra money you always want to do things to make your situation better and not worse. Most people usually don't do this. They will do things that make their circumstance worse. They will try to get extra money the wrong way. What am I talking about? Here's what I mean by the wrong way to get extra money. When faced with too much month at the end of the money, most people will rush out to predatory lenders. These are pawn shops, check advance stores, car title pawns, payday loan advances, or quick fix loan specialists. All of these are predatory lenders because of the amount of interest they charge on a loan. These loan rates will usually be between 22 to 25 percent per month. That's 300 percent per year in interest changes. Borrowing at these rates only makes your money problem worse in the long run.
There are better ways you can make extra income than these. Some of these methods will only add pocket change to your account. Others can be dynamic difference makers in your life. But, they will all get you though your financial hard times without making things worse. The key when you face any hard times is to take some type of action. You have to take control of your life and do something.
Here are 14 ways you can use to start making extra money today.
1) The easiest way to make extra money is to start with your current place of employment. Ask your boss if there is any extra work you could do. Offer to work in other areas of the company outside your field.
2) Sell something you own. Everything has some value to it to someone. You have to decide who would value the object you have for sale. Then take steps to present your item to them. You could approach them in person, place an ad on Craigslist, or ask friends if they might know of anyone who might be interested in it.
3) Sell your skills or talents. You may have a skill or talent others need. Can you fix things? This doesn't have to be mechanical items. You may be able to solve or fix a problem someone has. Look for ways you can use your skills or talents to make extra money.
4) Sell your ideas. Everyone has ideas that will help someone improve their circumstances. People will pay for this information. Can you help businesses with marketing ideas? Can you help coach people though problems? Do you have special knowledge you could teach?
5) Be an independent salesperson for a product or service. With these type positions, you can set your own work schedule and hours. So, you can work as little or as much as you like. Also, these positions are fairly easy to find.
6) Buy, sale and trade on items. Don't have any money for this? That's no problem. Find something you have to trade for an item. Just make sure you are always going up in value in any of your dealings. After you have traded for an item, turn it into cash by selling it.
7) Look for silver coins in you change. Better yet, let the bank turn your bills into change. Then look though it for silver coins. You are looking for any US silver coin dated 1964 or earlier. Also, look for Kennedy half dollars dated 1970 or earlier. All of these have resale value far above their face value because of their silver content.
8) Do cold calling to set appointments for salespeople. This is something you can do from your home. You can advertise this service on Craigslist and get all the business you want. Just make sure you do not call anyone on the "Do Not Call List". One way to avoid this is to only call businesses. The list doesn't apply to them. The rate of pay for this service is usually between $15 to $20 for each appointment you set.
9) Sell your used books, music CDs, or video games to a business that specializes in these used items. This is a fast and easy way to get quick cash.
10) Clean other people's houses. In today's fast pace society, someone is always willing to pay to have to their house cleaned. You can find these people in several different ways. Use word of mouth by asking friends who they might know that need their house cleaned. Run free ads on Craigslist for this service. Also, you could post notices on community bulletin boards in your local stores.
11) Set up and sell items at local flea markets on weekends. Just about anything sales at these events. The cost to set up is usually very minimal. You can make anywhere from a few extra dollars to several hundred dollars per week at a good flea market.
12) Collect and sell scrap metals to recycling centers. This is easy to do. Look in your local phone book for the nearest recycling center. Call them and find out what types of metals they buy. You are now in business. Just found the scrap metals they buy and take it to them. Prices paid for all types of scrap metals are now at record highs.
13) Sign up at a day labor employment agency. They will send you out to work on a job site for the day. You will usually get paid at the end of the day. These will usually be physical labor type jobs. So, save this idea for use in worse case scenarios.
14) If you must borrow money, ask a friend or relative for a loan. These loans are usually interest free. This will save you money by not having to repay a high interest loan. This is differently far better than going to a predatory lender and paying 300 percent interest per year for a loan.
Now you know the difference between ways to make your situation better or worse when it comes to getting extra money to pay those bills at the end of the month. You also have 14 practical useful ways to make extra money. Each way listed here is guaranteed to work if you work at it. Use the method best suited for you. But, don't wait until it's your last chance to put them in use. Anticipate your needs a head of time if you can. Then be proactive and do something about them. Only you can take charge of your life and change things. Use these 14 ways of making extra money to create something positive in your life! Best of Luck!!
There are three ways to handle no money with bills left at the end of the month. 1) You can panic, freeze up and do nothing. Inaction always leads to more problems and makes things worse. 2) There's the wrong way of handling these financial hardships. 3) Then there's the right way of dealing with these situations. We'll discuss both the right and wrong ways to come up with extra money.
When you are in a bind and need extra money you always want to do things to make your situation better and not worse. Most people usually don't do this. They will do things that make their circumstance worse. They will try to get extra money the wrong way. What am I talking about? Here's what I mean by the wrong way to get extra money. When faced with too much month at the end of the money, most people will rush out to predatory lenders. These are pawn shops, check advance stores, car title pawns, payday loan advances, or quick fix loan specialists. All of these are predatory lenders because of the amount of interest they charge on a loan. These loan rates will usually be between 22 to 25 percent per month. That's 300 percent per year in interest changes. Borrowing at these rates only makes your money problem worse in the long run.
There are better ways you can make extra income than these. Some of these methods will only add pocket change to your account. Others can be dynamic difference makers in your life. But, they will all get you though your financial hard times without making things worse. The key when you face any hard times is to take some type of action. You have to take control of your life and do something.
Here are 14 ways you can use to start making extra money today.
1) The easiest way to make extra money is to start with your current place of employment. Ask your boss if there is any extra work you could do. Offer to work in other areas of the company outside your field.
2) Sell something you own. Everything has some value to it to someone. You have to decide who would value the object you have for sale. Then take steps to present your item to them. You could approach them in person, place an ad on Craigslist, or ask friends if they might know of anyone who might be interested in it.
3) Sell your skills or talents. You may have a skill or talent others need. Can you fix things? This doesn't have to be mechanical items. You may be able to solve or fix a problem someone has. Look for ways you can use your skills or talents to make extra money.
4) Sell your ideas. Everyone has ideas that will help someone improve their circumstances. People will pay for this information. Can you help businesses with marketing ideas? Can you help coach people though problems? Do you have special knowledge you could teach?
5) Be an independent salesperson for a product or service. With these type positions, you can set your own work schedule and hours. So, you can work as little or as much as you like. Also, these positions are fairly easy to find.
6) Buy, sale and trade on items. Don't have any money for this? That's no problem. Find something you have to trade for an item. Just make sure you are always going up in value in any of your dealings. After you have traded for an item, turn it into cash by selling it.
7) Look for silver coins in you change. Better yet, let the bank turn your bills into change. Then look though it for silver coins. You are looking for any US silver coin dated 1964 or earlier. Also, look for Kennedy half dollars dated 1970 or earlier. All of these have resale value far above their face value because of their silver content.
8) Do cold calling to set appointments for salespeople. This is something you can do from your home. You can advertise this service on Craigslist and get all the business you want. Just make sure you do not call anyone on the "Do Not Call List". One way to avoid this is to only call businesses. The list doesn't apply to them. The rate of pay for this service is usually between $15 to $20 for each appointment you set.
9) Sell your used books, music CDs, or video games to a business that specializes in these used items. This is a fast and easy way to get quick cash.
10) Clean other people's houses. In today's fast pace society, someone is always willing to pay to have to their house cleaned. You can find these people in several different ways. Use word of mouth by asking friends who they might know that need their house cleaned. Run free ads on Craigslist for this service. Also, you could post notices on community bulletin boards in your local stores.
11) Set up and sell items at local flea markets on weekends. Just about anything sales at these events. The cost to set up is usually very minimal. You can make anywhere from a few extra dollars to several hundred dollars per week at a good flea market.
12) Collect and sell scrap metals to recycling centers. This is easy to do. Look in your local phone book for the nearest recycling center. Call them and find out what types of metals they buy. You are now in business. Just found the scrap metals they buy and take it to them. Prices paid for all types of scrap metals are now at record highs.
13) Sign up at a day labor employment agency. They will send you out to work on a job site for the day. You will usually get paid at the end of the day. These will usually be physical labor type jobs. So, save this idea for use in worse case scenarios.
14) If you must borrow money, ask a friend or relative for a loan. These loans are usually interest free. This will save you money by not having to repay a high interest loan. This is differently far better than going to a predatory lender and paying 300 percent interest per year for a loan.
Now you know the difference between ways to make your situation better or worse when it comes to getting extra money to pay those bills at the end of the month. You also have 14 practical useful ways to make extra money. Each way listed here is guaranteed to work if you work at it. Use the method best suited for you. But, don't wait until it's your last chance to put them in use. Anticipate your needs a head of time if you can. Then be proactive and do something about them. Only you can take charge of your life and change things. Use these 14 ways of making extra money to create something positive in your life! Best of Luck!!
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